1·The current cycle, called Solar Cycle 24, began in 2008.
2·Growth of 0.6% in the first quarter appears to have marked the low point in the current cycle.
3·The current cycle will lead the unwary to ruin, he says, “We are in a long-term bear market that started in 2000.
4·The current cycle will lead the unwary to ruin, he says, "We are in a long-term bear market that started in 2000."
5·What makes the current cycle different from previous periods of high prices is the rise has hit nearly all food commodities.
6·A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
7·A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented in this paper for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
8·The influence of composing , current density, current cycle reverse time percentage, electrodeposition time, temperature on coating and current efficiency were researched.
9·It conceptually records the heap's state at the beginning of a collection cycle and preserves all live objects at that point as well as those allocated during the current cycle.
10·Every previous globalisation cycle except one (the one cut short in 1914) ended that way, and nothing in the current cycle seemed fundamentally different from what had happened before.